
Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

DMR is against and will actively prevent any form of slavery and human trafficking that comes
to its knowledge.

The organisation is a remote first company and all its employees who work in different countries
work from an office with access to the internet in order to be constantly connected with each other;
it is a sophisticated type of work that requires special qualifications and in most cases a university
degree. DMR and its team operate mostly in a virtual world thus making it impossible to force a
human being to work without their consent.

Its suppliers mainly provide software and other services. In this respect very little materials are used
that could be produced by suppliers that require due diligence in relation to slavery and human
trafficking. The materials are limited to computers and stationery purchased by reputable blue-chip
multinationals who are against slavery and human trafficking.

Its clients are mainly respectable blue-chip multinationals with similar statements on their websites.
DMR’s staff is required to read this statement and commit to alert management if to their
knowledge any supplier or client violates the slavery and human trafficking laws; they are also asked
to check their suppliers and clients in relation to slavery & human trafficking.