Small Businesses

Empower Your Brand Management Efforts

Welcome to DMR, where innovation meets empowerment for small businesses like yours. Fast on their feet and hitting the mark – that's the winning formula for businesses in today's marketplace. Our listening247 platform offers comprehensive solutions designed to elevate your brand management strategies, ensuring your business thrives in a competitive landscape.

Agile and Effective Brand Management


With listening247, you're equipped to navigate the digital realm with finesse. Quickly identify and respond to customer sentiments online, safeguarding your brand's reputation and relevance. By harnessing the power of real-time insights, you can stay ahead of the curve, capitalising on emerging trends and fostering impactful influencer collaborations.

Maximising Impact, Minimising Investment


We understand the challenges faced by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). That’s why our solutions are not only effective but also affordable. No longer do you need dedicated resources for data analytics and customer insights. Our “Ready to Eat” actionable information ensures accessibility and ease of implementation, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive growth.

our solutions

Tailored Solutions for Small Companies


At DMR, we recognise that one size does not fit all. Our suite of solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).is meticulously crafted to address your unique needs:

01 Brand Health Tracking

Stay informed about the health of your brand with comprehensive tracking tools. Monitor key metrics and pivot strategies as needed to maintain brand resonance.

02 Brand Reputation Management

Proactively manage your brand's online reputation with real-time monitoring and response capabilities. Safeguard your brand image and foster trust among your audience.

03 Customer Care on Social

Enhance your customer care efforts on social media platforms. Engage with your audience promptly and effectively, building lasting relationships that drive loyalty and advocacy.

Connect with Us

Ready to take your brand management to the next level?

Connect with our team today to explore how DMR can empower your small business to achieve greatness.