The Power of Integration: How to Integrate Data from Online Surveys and Retail Audits with Social Listening & Analytics

The Power of Integration: How to Integrate Data from Online Surveys and Retail Audits with Social Listening & Analytics




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Download 'The Power of Integration: How to Integrate Data from Online Surveys and Retail Audits with Social Listening & Analytics'


This ebook aims to demonstrate how integrating Social Listening and Analytics data with survey data, and other traditional research methods, can help companies uncover some of the most accurate insights possible. A case study revolving around Health & Wellness, as discussed online in Arabic, was selected as an example to illustrate the untapped power of social listening analytics.




Ebook Highlights:


1. Find out how to uncover and synthesize accurate insights by integrating data from various sources;

2. Discover the untapped power of social listening analytics;

3. Understand why traditional methods are no longer sufficient or fully representative;


4. Learn about trends and ideas related to Health & Wellness in the MENA region.



Ideal for:


1. Any organisation within the health & wellness sector who want to enhance their market research activities to uncover some of the most accurate insights possible.


2. Market research agencies who want to learn about the importance of accuracy when it comes to social insights about trends and ideas related to health and wellness in the MENA region.



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