
Human Connections

Not Everyday Life
Human Connections June 2020

Not Everyday Life

DigitalMR CEO Michalis Michael spoke with Siamack Salari about his innovative idea to research current everyday life situations during the Covid-19 pandemic, in an ...

Nobody Likes Pretentious People
Human Connections March 2020

Nobody Likes Pretentious People

  I’m afraid I am pretentious, but do I have a choice? It’s always good to provide a credible definition of the ...

The 4 Pillars of a Happy Life
Human Connections February 2020

The 4 Pillars of a Happy Life

I posit that the four pillars of a happy life are encapsulated in these 4 verbs: Eat Sleep Exercise Meditate Let's call ...

Everything in Moderation… Even Moderation
Human Connections May 2019

Everything in Moderation… Even Moderation

“Pan metron ariston” (παν μέτρον άριστον) is a quote in ancient Greek which was coined by Kleovoulos o Lindios in the 6th ...

The Good News Channel
Human Connections April 2019

The Good News Channel

This may not be a 100% original idea. Other people have thought of a version of it in the past, like the ...

How does Market Research Rank on Usefulness for Human Life?
Human Connections December 2018

How does Market Research Rank on Usefulness for Human Life?

I often wonder if my life’s work was necessary and if it deserved to be paid with currency that buys real products ...